Specialists working at Reprise Media have accumulated exceptional experience in working with various e-commerce brands - from small specialized e-stores to startups established in the global market and even the largest operating in the Baltic States
e-commerce giants.

We provide our customers with quality services that ensure sustainability
the growth of e-commerce .
A study conducted by Kantar Atlas, one of the world's largest data companies, shows the extremely high popularity of e-commerce: as many as 9 out of 10 Internet users buy online. Analyzing Lithuanian data, there are currently about 58% of regular electronic shoppers (who buy online at least once a week).
As online commerce continues to thrive, many online stores face intense competition that makes it difficult for brands to get noticed. If you want your business to be more visible online, you need to have a solid e-commerce marketing strategy. Our professionals use the most advanced tools, knowledge and creativity to adapt websites, apps and advertising to drive traffic and optimize conversions.
Our e-commerce services:
Types of Ecommerce business models.
B2C - business to consumer
This is the most popular model, where the company's products/services are directly transferred to the consumer who purchased the product for personal use. The B2C model is focused on satisfying consumer needs and wants.
B2B - business to business
This means that a company sells its products/services to another company. The best-known example is Amazon, which gives businesses access to a variety of products and suppliers. With features like Amazon Business, businesses can streamline the purchasing process. Therefore, the B2C model is focused on helping companies and solving business problems.
C2B - Consumer to Business
This model involves an individual selling services or products to a company. This includes freelancers such as writers, photographers or opinion leaders. This model is focused on helping companies, as it allows quick and efficient use of individual offers, saving time and resources.
C2C - consumer to consumer
This model involves individual consumers selling a product/service to another consumer without involving intermediaries. For example, such sales take place through the well-known platforms Vinted or Facebook Marketplace. This model is focused on benefiting the user, as it allows for the sale or purchase of various goods and services and encourages collaboration.
D2C - direct to consumer.
This is the latest e-commerce model where a company sells a product/service directly to its end customer without involving any distributors, wholesalers or retailers. The most obvious examples would be subscriptions or sales through social networking platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. The D2C model is geared toward companies that want greater cost control.
What are the benefits of e-commerce for business?
Shopping at any time
Perhaps the biggest advantage of an online store is that it never closes. Having a website available 24/7 increases the possibility of earning more profit and getting more potential customers.
Increased business visibility
As an online store is not dependent on location, it expands business opportunities to sell goods or services to anyone and anywhere in the world.
Targeted advertising
A proper digital marketing strategy helps you reach your target audience optimally where they go. You can use both free and paid search engine advertising, or you can set a budget and promote your business through social platforms or email. post office
Data analysis
Using certain tools such as Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager can collect valuable data about the customer and their experience on the website. The information collected helps you analyze, identify practices that work and don't work, and apply strategies that can attract and build strong relationships with both old and new customers.
Low costs
Cost optimization is undoubtedly one of the biggest benefits of e-commerce for any business. A new online store requires costs for creating a website and buying a domain, but these are relatively small amounts compared to a new physical store, which incurs high costs for renting premises, hiring employees and decorating the store.
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